“this work matters because humans matter. i know first hand how incarcerated people are treated. the prison system in this country breaks the people within it down, and i want to be part of the movement that stymies that. having the opportunity to be a part of One Love and share my humanity and expertise with the folks who need it most was an absolute no-brainer for me.” – a One Love Coach

“This matters to me because I know that isolation is painful, and shame grows in the shadows of isolation and disconnection. There is no me without we, so it is my connection to people on the inside, knowing I’m not free if they’re not free, that keeps me doing this work.” – a One Love Coach

“This matters to me because it feels like a step towards a more supported, compassionate, kind and just world. It matters because every human deserves to be treated as a human and if my skillset can support, hold and help a fellow human feel less alone and more hopeful, I want to be a part of it. One Love is making me feel alive and more human and I’m so happy to have the opportunity to be in the most loving, ripple creating community.” – a One Love Coach

“This work matters to me because all humans deserve a safe holding, a space where they are encouraged to look inward and discover.

The more we all get to know ourselves inside and out, to accept and love all parts of ourselves (even the prickliest and toughest ones), the better our whole world will be. Much incarceration results from folx having a lack of resources (financial, emotional, educational), so to offer a resource now, during this moment of incarceration, feels hopeful, feels healing, feels preventative, and feels right. I want all people (including those incarcerated) to know what it is to belong to something bigger and to feel respected, cared for, and worthy. I am so grateful that One Love is making that happen!” – a One Love Coach

“This matters to me because as much as I think I know about people and the world each new interaction with the soul of a person blows that idea open and shows me a whole new perspective. My biggest irrational fear as a child was that I’d end up in jail. That was also Stephany’s biggest fear. And to see how she has not only survived but thrives in the face of that fear is earth shattering to me and my entire being. So to say that she has helped me as much as I hope I have helped her is an understatement.” – a One Love Coach

Tim Bryant started meditation gatherings with incarcerated people 20 years ago. He founded One Love Prison Meditation Project in 2018 as a non-profit in order to bring more consistent loving support to those inside. Since 2018 there have been over 375 meditation gatherings in 12 prisons in Florida and Georgia. Currently, Tim does 10 classes a month in 4 prisons including the 2nd and 4th Sunday’s at Gadsden Correctional Facility.

In 2023, One Love started a coaching program connecting life coaches from around the world to work with our participants for free over email and phone. We have 70+ coaches working with people who are incarcerated. It’s been completely amazing for folks to have this one on one attention for their well-being.

“The spirit of our gatherings is cultivating compassion and love for ourselves and each other. As you know, silence and peace are hard to come by in a prison environment. Our time together is so special to enjoy the wisdom shared, the silence during our meditations, and the beautiful feeling of peace we all experience. I’m incredibly honored to share space with Cherri and all those present during these most challenging times. I do this work because people in prison are our sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers, friends, loved ones. I know how much loved ones want to be with them and I try to bring that love from the outside in as well.”

Thank you on behalf of One Love Prison Meditation Project, Cherri, and hundreds of others for donating in order make these classes and support possible! You will receive a tax deductible donation receipt as we are a registered 501c3 Non-profit.