In Their Own Words
A beautiful, handwritten note from a student.
“Meditation is maintaining the state of the Knower, God within.”
“One Love Prison Meditation Project has created the space in my life to experience healing and freedom through the power of meditation. The instructional videos by Mickey Singer, followed by group discussion and meditation transports me to that peaceful place within causing me to return to a chaotic environment with increased positive energy and insights into the causes of bondage and the keys to freedom. The benefits obtained through my participation are priceless. I am very thankful to our sponsor Tim for showing me the meaning of real freedom. Much Love for One Love PMP!”
“The practice of meditation teaches us to disidentify with the voice in the head, that voice is the source of all “problems.” Through consistent practice the mind becomes still and we awaken to our true nature-Pure Awareness.”
“Meditation to me is practice. It’s Learning how to be fully present in the quieter moments of life so I may be more fully present in the not-so-quiet moments. It is also practice at letting go of my judgements and preconceptions so that the present that I am experiencing is pure and untainted…perfect in its natural unfolding. Meditation helps to free me of the conditioning that hides life’s natural beauty under layers of fears and desires. Meditation is the true path to Freedom.”